#casestudy #storytelling #newsletter

How we generated an extra $11,000+ per month for PoooliPrint through email—beyond basic automations—by having subscribers THANK us for sending them emails.

IMPORTANT! The poor quality of the images is due to the client photographing the results for us using their phone. 🫠

We started working with a California-based company that felt there was more potential in email marketing than they were able to achieve.

After reviewing their Klaviyo account, we quickly found a solution to help them most effectively.

The first step, upon seeing their statistics, was noticing their low open rates (around 10-15%). The simplest solution to this lies in segmentation.

(10-15% open rates.)

(The poor quality is due to the client photographing the results for us using their phone. 🫠)

Since they had more than 20,000 subscribers, we had to carefully consider the most effective way to group them.

We divided them into four groups:

  1. Those who had shown recent interest in our offer (opened emails, made recent purchases, visited the website) = active group.
  2. Those who had not engaged for a long time but had not unsubscribed = inactive group.

For the inactive group, the primary goal was to either re-engage them or have them unsubscribe.

We sent a quick email series with a coupon to this group, which decided everything: if they interacted with these emails, they moved to the first group; if not, we removed them since they would negatively impact the statistics in the long run (by lowering deliverability).

“Deliverability: Indicates the percentage of sent emails that reach the target inbox. This determines whether emails land in the SPAM folder, the Promotions tab, or the Primary inbox. The better the deliverability, the more people read the emails and make purchases.

Negative impact: few opens, few clicks, few purchases, many unsubscribes. Positive impact: many opens, many clicks, many purchases, few unsubscribes, many email replies.”

We further split the active group into two parts: buyers and non-buyers. This was necessary to craft more relevant emails for each subgroup.

Next came the second step to improve deliverability: a “deliverability improvement form” email campaign. The concept was simple: fill out a form in exchange for a coupon.

This campaign received over 800 responses, which was beneficial for several reasons: we learned why they purchased or what would make them buy our products (this later proved helpful in writing emails), and the high engagement improved deliverability.

Thanks to these efforts, open rates improved by more than 25%, but this was just the beginning.

The company’s emails (10-12% open rates):

(10-15% open rates.)

(The poor quality is due to the client photographing the results for us using their phone. 🫠)

Our emails (37-38% open rates):

(37-38% open rates.)

(The poor quality is due to the client photographing the results for us using their phone. 🫠)

At this point, we started writing 3-5 emails per week to the list. Many people fear this approach, worrying that the audience might “burn out” from receiving too many emails. However, we believe that a list doesn’t burn out from receiving many emails, but from receiving many BORING emails.

And our results prove this.

($11,000+ revenue in one month).

($11,000+ revenue in one month).

(The poor quality is due to the client photographing the results for us using their phone. 🫠)

Additionally, this is what the client said about our collaboration:

But how did we achieve this?

We wrote these emails as if a single person was always telling a story (this person was “Ben”), and naturally, each email ended with a product pitch. Thanks to this approach, a more direct relationship developed between the subscribers and the company, resulting in continuous purchases.

Here are some of the responses we received to these emails:

“Hey Ben! Not sure if you’ll ever get to actually read this, but I’d like to sincerely thank you for your emails in the past few months. It’s been a rough few weeks for me and your creative emails always make my day a bit better. I’m glad you’re back! Have a great day and a very Happy New year! 🙂”

  • Mark T.

“Also – as a communications professional, I’m super impressed with your emails and give big props to whoever writes them. I know these are mass messages but I definitely open them more than any other marketing emails that make their way into my inbox.”

  • Anna K.

So overall, with zero additional effort from the company, they gained an extra $11,000 in monthly revenue, while subscribers enjoyed receiving the emails (and expressed this verbally), and deliverability and statistics continuously improved.

And all this was achieved “just” from campaigns, without even touching the automations (which will come later).

If you want similar results, reach out to us.

Just click here:

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