#casestudy #storytelling #newsletter

Here’s how we increased open rate from 7% to 70.4% — nearly all of their emails ended up in SPAM, but the issue was resolved in just 3 days.

Initial Situation

A clothing brand faced a problem where most of their emails ended up in the spam folder or didn’t reach the recipients at all. Consequently, the open rate of their emails was only 7%, significantly below the expected results.

How Did We Solve It?

SPF, DKIM, and DMARC Setup

The first step was setting up SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records. These authentication protocols ensure that email servers can verify the messages and deem them trustworthy. As a result, the number of emails landing in the spam folder was significantly reduced.

Blacklist Removal

We discovered that their IP address was listed on a blacklist, posing an additional obstacle to email delivery. We removed the IP address from the blacklist, thus improving the emails’ credibility and deliverability.


We reviewed and segmented the email list to filter out uninterested subscribers. By focusing on active and interested users, we increased the relevance of the messages and the open rate. Through segmentation, we were able to send targeted, personalized content that captured the recipients’ attention more effectively.

Email Content: More Personal Emails

We also made changes to the content. We sent more personal-sounding emails that seemed to come from a friend. These messages generated greater interest and were opened by more recipients. The human, direct style increased readers’ trust and engagement.


As a result of the strategies and settings implemented, the open rate of the email campaigns increased from 7% to 70.4%. The SPF, DKIM, and DMARC settings, the removal of the IP address from the blacklist, the segmentation, and the more personal content collectively contributed to this significant improvement. The clothing brand’s email marketing once again became an effective tool, which not only increased open rates but also strengthened customer relationships.

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