#casestudy #storytelling #newsletter

How we achieved an 80%+ open rate on an average Wednesday newsletter, with subscribers even “highlighting” how great the email was…

…and of course, they do buy. 😉

(A good open rate is typically around 20-30%.)

And no, this is not a Welcome email… it’s just an ordinary Wednesday newsletter.

The answer is quite simple; surely everyone has heard it before: be relevant and “join the conversation that your customers are having in their heads.”

Okay, okay, that sounds good, but how can this actually be implemented?

On a beautiful Tuesday, Facebook went down for a while.

This obviously caught the attention of many people and caused inconvenience for many (ads were not running, friends were unreachable, etc.), leading many to wonder why this happened.

And how can one take advantage of this opportunity?

With one of our clients (whom we love because they support all our crazy ideas), we tried writing an email to the subscribers in Mark Zuckerberg’s name, stating that he deeply apologized for the Facebook outage yesterday… but he’s only human, and he missed an important meeting because he was shopping on our client’s webshop.

(The original email was written in Hungarian. You can see the English version below.)

The original email was in Hungarian.

Here’s the English version:

From Name: Mark Zuckerberg

Subject Line: I apologize for yesterday

Dear Facebook Users,

I would like to express my sincere apologies for yesterday’s brief Facebook outage. We understand how important our platform is in your lives, and we are sorry for the inconvenience caused.

(This is me, looking very sad right now.)

Please allow me to briefly explain what caused this little hiccup. As some of you might know, I am also human and I browse the internet.

Unfortunately, yesterday I got lost in the collectors.hu website, where I was browsing through Star Wars collections.

(I’m secretly a big fan, and I lost track of time browsing the various products.)

I got so engrossed in the website that I missed a very important meeting, which caused the entire Meta to shut down.

I apologize to everyone affected by this unexpected outage.

To make it up to you, let me suggest something that will definitely brighten your day:

Visit the collectors.hu website.


It made my day better, and I think it will make yours better too!

Of course, our team will do everything possible in the future to prevent such events and further improve the stability of Facebook’s services.

Thank you for the patience and understanding you have shown us and the Facebook community. We greatly appreciate the feedback we receive from you, and I promise we will continue working to improve the quality and reliability of our platform.

Thank you once again for your understanding and loyalty.

Best regards, Mark Zuckerberg

P.S. Seriously, check out the collectors.hu website.

It’s really worth it:


P.S. This email was not actually written by Mark Zuckerberg.

And well… the results speak for themselves: over 80% open rate, positive feedback, and of course, most importantly: lots and lots of purchases.
Ha unalmasan akarnék fogalmazni, akkor ezt írnám (5)

And these are just the immediate results. Just think about it… even if someone didn’t make a purchase, they still enjoyed reading the email. People love creativity. And what will this mean?

It means they will keep coming back as readers, and our newsletter won’t just be another newsletter among many, but THE newsletter they read because it entertains them.

This is the biggest takeaway.

I don’t even remember where I read it, but there’s a saying: “Nobody reads an ad to read an ad. People read what gives them value. So make your ad valuable to them, and they will read it.”

The same goes for newsletters.

Provide value, brighten their day, make them laugh, and they will keep coming back.

If you’d like us to do this for you, just click the button below:

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